Be Held
by Mother Earth

Will you join me in embodying a New Earth?

I invite you into a field of love with me. Let’s sink our roots into the Earth and
remember our deep feelings of connection and belonging.

In our 3-month Creativity in Nature Coaching program, we embark on
a journey to bring ourselves more Present in our bodies and in our lives. I offer practices
for the everyday wild woman. Mindfulness in Nature practices provide a sense of direction,
grounding, and a safe space to do deep healing work.
In our embodied Earth connection, you release anxiety and settle the nervous system.
You awaken your innate creativity, re-ignite your passion and celebration of life,
and renew your sense of belonging.

Let’s rediscover how to co-create with our eco-field. Together we can access
wisdom and guidance from the field, from your Inner Knowing, and from Divine Guidance.

How can we fall in love with Earth and Sky and live every day as if it is a love affair
unfolding its mysteries? I invite you to take this journey with me
into the joy of Earth’s intimate secrets being revealed to you and through you.

She is waiting. Are you called to join us?

Would you like to experience a coaching session with Shiila?

Please e-mail or text 512-757-5709
to set up a free connection call, or click the button below.

Working with Shiila has been transformative. Like a gift each time we meet,
I always leave our time together feeling that I got just what I needed.
It’s hard to put her work into words because what she offers is not a thing,
but a beautiful state of being.

Together we open our hearts and step into a field of love that provides a safe place to access who we really are. We enter the field of our true power, essence and purpose. Pure magic. With specific nature-based practices, I feel a shift into a sense of belonging to the web of life and connection into my own inner being.
The places where I have felt stuck melt away.

This work is one of the best gifts I have given myself.
I am immensely grateful.

~ Rachael Fisher, LPC


Welcome Beloveds!


In a 3-Month Coaching Program with Shiila

You Receive:

  • 2 two-hour individual coaching sessions/month (in-person or on Zoom)

  • A 1/2 Day Retreat (4 hours in-person or on Zoom)

  • Guided meditations and helpful resources in between sessions

  • Being held in a quantum field of love in prayer throughout the month

Our coaching model is different than most. You and I are aspects of Earth, and as such, you and I and Mother Earth work as a team. The teacher is the forest or the creek, your local eco-field., or your painting. It’s our role in our work together to open for that unique wisdom to come through.

Each inquiry opens a portal of discovery. Intuition guides how we approach that portal.

Creativity in Nature Coaching meditations invite you into relaxing moments of creative play. Through guided meditation and mindfulness in Nature practices, you will experience tangible ways to calm and settle your mind and body, access your creativity, relieve stress,
dialogue with inner voices, work with body tension , and uplift your spirit.
We co-create joy together!

If you’re eager to learn more, or ready to schedule a connection call with Shiila,
click the link below.

It’s a matter of re-aligning our bodies over time, through the repetition of these Nature practices, to increase our physical health, mental clarity,
emotional stability, energetic resonance, and core feelings of peace and joy.

We create new pathways of consciousness together.


  • Relaxing into your grounded connection with Nature

  • Releasing fear, anxiety and stress

  • Feeling passionate and excited about life

  • Feeling held and nurtured by something bigger than yourself

  • Exploring Nature-based ways of working with tension

  • Feeling a renewed sense of belonging again

Do you ever yearn to

  • Put yourself first?

  • Free your Inner Wild Woman?

  • Receive guidance through creative play?

  • Create a healthy balance between work life and home life?

  • Engage in daily practices that both ground you AND expand you?

  • Open your senses more fully to experience the natural world?

"Spirituality is fundamentally about experiencing a sense of our belonging and connectedness with another living being, with nature, with a community, or with the whole mystery of the world and universe in which we live.” 

~ Brother David Steindl-Rast

A Vision That Inspires Me

A New Earth regenerating herself - bountiful with life, old growth forests, clean rivers and oceans, clean atmosphere, and loving respectful humans living in harmony with Earth, the more-than-humans, and each other.

This new paradigm of partnership and collaboration rather than domination, leads to the coming together of all people in equality and mutual respect. We all have abundant food to eat, clean water, clean air to breathe, proper housing and good health care. People grow their own organic food that nourishes their bodies. We live a joyous, sustainable life in harmony with all living things. All people claim their birthright as children of Mother Earth.

Can you see it?

In this New Earth, Women take their rightful place as leaders. Consciousness brings about a new sacred economy for people over the corporations. Government policies are re-written based on equity and collaboration, Earth Justice, Social Justice, and Indigenous wisdom. We do not neglect, disrespect and destroy what we love. This brings us back into living in balance, harmony and reciprocity with Mother Earth again.

I’d like to see everyone fall in love with Earth, Trees and our flowing waters again wouldn’t you?

Imagine people walking around in love. In love with ourselves, with each other, and with Mother Nature. We would see through new eyes, the eyes of the sacred, full of respect and beauty.

I believe we are creating our New Earth together right now! I hope you share my vision and that you’ll join me on this important journey! Creativity in Nature Coaching sessions offer a pathway. Hope to see you soon!

Let’s Co-Create the New Earth


Mother Earth is calling us. We are in precarious conditions on the planet right now. We are being called to shift from fear to love. Our love is amplified in community. It is time to share our gifts with the world. Our healing is Earth’s healing. There is no separation.


A small number of people can turn the
tide and make a difference, and we are
those people. Together, we can reach a tipping point in consciousness. We
connect with something larger than
ourselves in the sacred container of community. We embrace the web of life.


We are grounded, supported, aware, awake. We commit to Nature practices to heal our relationship to self, Nature and our creative power. We live in sacred relationship with Mother Earth , release dominance and control and restore reciprocity & balance. We fall in love again, with self, Earth, and our lives!